Happy Father’s Day

Cat Stevens- “Father and Son”

This song always makes me teary ..I can’t necessarily relate to father and son bonding..However, it makes me think of my own relationship to my father. Happy Father’s Day to all! In memory of the fathers that have made an impact, the fathers that have passed away, and the paternal figures in our lives that are “fathers’ to us.

Rainy Day

Today’s weather has led to plenty of wardrobe malfunctions. It has been cloudy, cold, rainy, sunny, hot, humid, and then monsoon extravaganza. At least I’m warm and dry cuddling with the cats, listening to music, and pushed the window 2 inches upwards for the perfect symphony of rainy Fridays.

The highlights wrapped in gold:

*I visited the family today and had a delightful vegan feast with a coworker at dinner time.

*Camera Obscura released their new album today [Thank you, for the music! Quick shout out: I love you Tracyanne Campbell!]

*Looked into several practical items of the day: owning vs renting a house, a new car opportunity, and of course, sewing classes….

Okay, so maybe the latter one is shafted by the overwhelming responsibility of the other two…However, I am really interested in learning to alter and sew my own clothes. The sewing shop I looked at offered 6 classes for $125.

*Not preggo. Just putting that out there before I complete my next thoughts. My husband and I have decided to make a try for parenthood at a “go with the flow” pace. So, I am not sure if I’m pregnant yet, but here’s hoping.

I am excited about the changes that lie ahead of us. Already, I am taking greater care of my health than ever before.

I’m no longer drinking alcohol, cut my coffee to one cup, eating healthier, and enjoying some consistent exercise. And no longer shoveling cat poo from the litter box [Win! Thanks, Hubby]

Let’s talk supplements! 

Prenatal multivitamin- Mainly for extra B vitamins and iron. FYI all multivitamins [even you, dudes] have 400 micrograms of Folic acid=A very important B vitamin that helps with normal development of neural tubes the first two weeks of conception. I’m taking the Rainbow Light brand because it’s one horse pill a day with a high potency..so I have to take food with it.

B-12…because when you’re vegan, it’s always safe than sorry. This one is by Mega Foods- one of my favorite supplement companies. They are from New Hampshire and use local foods to aid absorption of vitamins/minerals and it’s all pressed into tablet form. They still use brown glass jars 🙂

Spectrum Vegetarian DHA- I take about 400 mg of DHA a day because it’s plant based and may have a slower conversion rate in my body. DHA aids in brain health [focus, memory, all that jazz]. This one is sourced from algae and the soft gel is made from pectin. Fish oil converts a tad better because they’ve done the work of eating the nutrient rich algae and converted it to a highly absorbing DHA and EPA [the latter is heart health]. I don’t want to eat fish. The vegetarian/vegan best option is taking lots of algae pills and eating chia seeds. The recommended minimum dosage for prenatal women is about 200 to 250 mg.

Chloroxygen- this is a brand of Chlorophyll that I have really been enjoying. It has helped get rid of a problem I had for about 8 months [hands turning blue due to lack of oxygen]. I think this combination and more Niacin [B vitamin helps with circulation] has aided in better circulation…and better looking hands.

My hairdresser scared the pants off of me when she said copper acts as a spermacide..because Chlorophyll often lists copper chlorophyllins as an ingredient on the back of the bottle. I did some research and what she was referring to was the birth control that’s T shaped with copper wiring. The copper in chlorophyll is not the same as the metal birth control [which by the way is mainly effective due to it’s structure not the metal, theres some kooks on the internet that say otherwise]. This chlorophyll copper is natural minerals sourced from nettle leaves. Nettles are great for pregnancy- they are so rich in nutrients and minerals that often are lacking in the body. Anyhow, whether your a woman or man Chlorophyll is the utmost amazing stuff- it’s like drinking the life force of plants and gives me an extra push of pizzazz in my day. I think it may have given my skin a radiant glow because I am asked every day at work what I’m using on my skin by absolute strangers….or it could be the humidity blessing my face with oily prone skin

I have bought some red raspberry leaf tea that increases fertility and aids in strengthening the woman’s body for pregnancy.

Being vegan I am reading a specific book for nutrients..trying to aim for that golden amount of protein 70 mg and incorporate a diverse amount of food..the more diverse my food, the better acquiring of nutrients.

Michael and I have got our hands on lots of literature and at times reading the material on pregnancy and babies..it seems daunting, painful, scary, and uh, why would anyone ever have kids? Gagging over placenta descriptions…we always return to keeping it simple and not make this baby business so alienating or rocket science.

Keep it simple.

And when you get here child, you will have two parents that will jump the moon for you<3

——-end of baby talk————————————–

In general, I’m in this mood of throwing caution to the wind and when I normally would hold back any thoughts or feelings..I’m doing the opposite. I’ll have to be careful my tongue doesn’t get too comfy at work. I’m always the “nice girl” and people really can’t handle my quirks of sarcasm or cynicism ..when I choose to indulge in them.

Oh, Pisces problems.

I had an odd dream last night. I went to a greenhouse and asked for seeds to grow Poppies. The lady led me to the back of the store and showed me a beaten up Poppy plant. “This is all I can offer you,” she said. My eyes widened, “This…But will it grow? I mean will it get stronger and bloom? There isn’t even a poppy on it. Are you sure it will bloom?” The lady was still holding up the plant squinting at it, “Yes, it will grow. It’s still good. It will bloom.” Later in my dream, someone handed me a bouquet of poppies.

I often wonder if my spirit animal is a wolf because I had nightmares/dreams of wolves since I was a child even to college days.

The Baby Dilemma


Happy (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

At this moment of time, I am 26 years old…the dilemma is when is the right time to have kids? when does anyone know when they are really ready? And what about finances or getting a house first? Does the house have to come first before having kids?

My mom and dad only in their later years were able to get a house. Prior to, it’s been mainly renting or even earlier when they first started out they were living in the basement beneath my grandparents’ house. And LOOK! We turned out okay.

I feel ready to commit my life to another being. There’s enough love in this heart of mine to share.

And I have what they call “baby fever” almost nonstop.

To me it has always been difficult to figure out what it means for me to be a female, a feminist, and learning to follow my own desires that have nothing to do with gender orientation. I think the latter is the true definition of a feminist- the ability to choose whatever you want without gender being thrown in your face as part of the judgment for it.

It took me a lot longer to realize recently what drives me. It’s not career, money, or expensive objects- Go figure! What drives me is making people happy, challenging knowledge/ideas, and my ability to be comfortable with myself..my happy, bubbly self that sometimes spirals into a whirlwind of confusion, emotion, and sheer madness. I am currently toying with the notion of getting my masters in teaching, focus on elementary education. I do pretty well with kids and they’re friggin’ fabulous! I am a proud Aunt of two adorable rascals 🙂

Ultimately, I wanted by the age of 25 = house + car + dream job + husband + kids

I got an old used Honda, renting out a town home on the best side of town, anticipating a better job, hoping for a house, no kids yet- However, I do have a great husband. So, I think that’s an awesome step in the right direction.

Yes, there were some cynical dark moments [prior to hubby] that I thought of jumping on a bus [which bus I have no clue, but if there was a bus to be found I’d be on it], heading out West, and living in an apartment with a large clowder [meaning; group of cats].

Fast Forward to Today: Yearning to be the domestic queen of bread making, sewing, and the best vegan mom/wife in the whole entire world…all while clicking my T-strap B.A.I.T. shoes, swishing a vintage apron, and crooning to my records…maybe donning some mommy tats

This has become my goal. I want to be a mother and start a family.

Not because I have to or any selfish reasoning to have mini clones-

side note: hopefully they’ll get the good looks of my husband, if they’re lucky

I just want to. I am not satisfied unless loving and giving. Family is the rock that has upheld me from life’s turmoils. I’m read to start an addition to our wonderful families and create one with the love of my life- whether it means adoption or enduring months of coffee deprivation.

Yes, I am willing to give up coffee for 9 months. To those who do not know me- this is a big deal.

I’ve gotten so soft and sentimental over the years. Age and a ticking biological clock can do a number on this head.